By Ashley Reyes
When it comes to business insurance, it's important for builders and shop owners to know what types of policies exist in order to choose the best coverage that fits their needs. Knowing how much coverage to get and what the insurance lingo means can help them better understand their policy and possible risks when in possession of a customer's vehicle.
During the recent SEMA Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) webinar, "What Builders Need to Know About Insurance Needs," Trent Campbell of American National Insurance and Franco Ganino of RevPro/Alliant shared common mistakes that shop owners make with their insurance coverage.
Watch highlights of the webinar below, moderated by Amy Fitzgerald of Cool Hand Customs, and watch the full session by logging into your account here.
You'll learn best practices for reviewing your shop's insurance policy, definitions of common insurance terms and questions to ask your insurance provider that can help save you money.