
Upcoming SBN Webinar Highlights Examples of Male Ally Support

By Ashley Reyes

A collaborative environment between men and women in theSBN logo workplace is essential to building a strong, supportive environment for all professionals. In the traditionally male-dominated automotive aftermarket industry, establishing an organization in which women are supported by their male counterparts fosters innovation and success.

SEMA members are invited to the second session of the SEMA Businesswomen’s Network (SBN) Male Ally Webinar Series, Real Life Scenarios: Examples of Male Ally Support, on Tuesday, July 25 at 12:00 p.m. PDT to hear from a panel of industry leaders as they share real-life scenarios of how men can further support women in their roles.

Senior Business Leader Randall Speir, Justin Perret of Oracle Lighting and Mark Taylor of Kam Marketing will give examples of successes and failures that they have experienced while being an ally to women, provide solutions for how to improve the working relationship between men and women, and share tips for how women can react to or interpret male allyship.

Attendees will walk away knowing how to start the effort of being a male ally, how to spread the mindset within their teams and why a male ally program is needed. Register here!