Unparalleled Opportunities for SEMA Show Media Coverage

By Juan Torres

With thousands of credentialed media from around the world looking forPress the latest automotive trends, technology and cutting-edge products at the 2023 SEMA Show, October 31-November 3 in Las Vegas, exhibitors should get a jump-start on connecting with journalists and creating brand awareness.

Below are tools and strategies available to SEMA Show exhibitors at no cost:

  • Post press releases in the SEMA Show Online Media Center: By posting news releases in the SEMA Show Online Media Center, exhibitors ensure that reporters looking for Show-related news take advantage of their story. Posting to the Online Media Center can also generate coverage from SEMA’s publications and social media outlets. Post your release today at
  • Enter the New Products Showcase: Exhibitors can take advantage of the New Products Showcase by entering their first product for free. Provide a detailed description of that product to generate additional exposure and drive traffic to your booth. As the No. 1 destination at the SEMA Show, the Showcase often generates additional coverage. Enter a product now
  • Host a press conference: If your company is announcing a new product or service at the SEMA Show, a press conference could generate additional media interest. Hosting a press conference in the Media Center or your booth offers media the opportunity to learn about your new product at a designated time. Sign up for a press conference here.  
  • Create a press kit: It’s not too early to begin working on a comprehensive press kit to distribute at the SEMA Show. In addition to having press kits available to reporters in the booth, exhibitors can place press kits and releases in the official SEMA Show Media Center at no cost. 

For more information, download the Public Relations Opportunities guide sheet or contact the SEMA Show Public Relations team at