
SEMA California Rally Brings Industry Leaders Together With Key Lawmakers

By the SEMA D.C. Office

The recent Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) California Rally united industry leaders and lawmakers in Sacramento to address pressing issues affecting the automotive aftermarket industry. Assemblywoman Marie WaldronSenator Bob Archuleta and Senator Josh Newman took center stage as key speakers during the event.

Rally Marie

Assemblywoman Marie Waldron

Assemblywoman Marie Waldron--whose '39 Ford Pickup was featured at the 2022 SEMA Show--delivered an engaging address during the Rally's dinner event. Representing the 75th Assembly District, Assemblywoman Waldron shared her comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Her insights emphasized the importance of cultivating a business-friendly environment, stimulating job creation and fostering sustainable growth for California's aftermarket industry.

Rally Archuleta

Senator Bob Archuleta

At the Rally's luncheon, participants had the privilege of hearing from Sen. Archuleta, a distinguished lawmaker known for his dedication to the state. As an influential member of the California State Senate, Sen. Archuleta enlightened the audience with his perspectives on key legislative initiatives and policies affecting the industry.

Rally Newman

Senator Josh Newman

Notably, Sen. Newman, SEMA's 2022 Stephen B. McDonald Lawmaker of the Year, also attended the Rally's dinner event. His presence exemplified the commitment of California's lawmakers to engage with the automotive industry and work collaboratively towards mutual goals.

The SEMA California Rally provided a platform for industry professionals, SEMA member companies and lawmakers to come together and discuss vital topics such as new vehicle technologies, manufacturing tax incentives and streamlining regulatory processes. The presence and contributions of Assemblywoman Waldron and Senators Archuleta and Newman added immense value to the event, offering a firsthand understanding of the legislative landscape and encouraging collaborative efforts to support the growth and success of the automotive aftermarket industry. 

For more information, contact Christian Robinson at