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FLN Member Spotlight: Natasha Salem of Tucker Albin & Associates

By Ashley Reyes

Natasha SalemNatasha Salem is the SEMA Future Leaders Network’s (FLN) newest spotlight member. Salem is the business development manager at Tucker Albin & Associates—a commercial debt collection agency.

Get to know Salem in her interview with SEMA below:

SEMA: What is the best advice you have ever received?

Natasha Salem: The best advice I have ever received is to be passionate and believe in what I do.

SEMA: What keeps you in the industry?

NS: I stay in this industry because I get to help others everyday.   

SEMA: Where can you be found on a Saturday?

NS: On any given Saturday you can find me either hiking or rock climbing in the San Juan Mountains. In the winter, I could be found on the ski slopes or ice climbing frozen waterfalls.

SEMA: How do you prepare for an important meeting?

NS: Research! I always take time to research who am meeting with. Researching the company and what they do will help me understand their needs.

SEMA: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who it would be?

NS: Elon Musk. He is always creating new efficient innovations in the auto industry and changing how the world gets around.  

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