
California Assembly Passes SEMA-Sponsored ZEV Conversion Bill

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

Lawmakers in the California Assembly unanimously passed bipartisan SEMA-sponsored legislation (A.B. 2350) that would incentivize consumers to convert gasoline- and diesel-powered motor vehicles into zero-emissions vehicles (ZEV). If enacted, A.B. 2350 would provide eligible motorists who convert their vehicle with a $2,000 rebate. The bill currently awaits consideration in the Senate.

In recent years, California has implemented various programs, including the Clean Vehicle Rebate Program and the Clean Cars for All Program, to promote the purchase of new zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). However, none of the programs currently offer benefits for vehicles that started their life with an internal-combustion engine and can be converted to a ZEV via an aftermarket motor package. A.B. 2350 helps preserve California’s rich car culture while creating new ways to make ZEV ownership more accessible.

SEMA encourages its members and enthusiasts in California to contact their lawmakers in support of A.B. 2350 by clicking here.

For further details, contact Christian Robinson at