
New For Exhibitors: Register Guests to Attend the SEMA Show, Friday, November 5

By SEMA Editors

SEMA Show exhibitor key contacts have the opportunity to register and pay for guests, contest winners, influencers, amateur builders, or other people not working a booth or employed at an industry company to attend this year’s SEMA Show.

Exhibitors that would like to introduce the Show to people outside of the traditional automotive market can register Exhibitor Guests for $40 each by October 8.

Layout Show
To view the entire 2021 SEMA Show Floorplan, including the exhibit halls, visit

After the October 8 deadline, registration is onsite only for $90 per guest. The maximum number Exhibitor Guest badges is 10 per exhibiting company.

For exhibitors that register domestic (U.S. and Canada) guests prior to October 8, the badges will be mailed to the address(es) provided by each company’s key SEMA Show contact.

Exhibitor Guests may only attend the SEMA Show on Friday, November 5, 2021, during normal exhibit hours, 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. No one under the age of 16 will be allowed onto the exhibit floor, including infants. Use of a school ID is not acceptable to prove age unless it provides a date of birth.

For more information, contact

For complete information about the 2021 SEMA Show, visit