
New Research Looks at the Shifting U.S. Vehicle Landscape and Hottest Models for the Aftermarket

By Kyle Cheng

Market Research
In the new “SEMA Vehicle Landscape Report,” the SEMA Market
Research team looks at how the vehicle landscape is shifting, where
the greatest opportunities are for our industry and what trends are on
the horizon that may impact your business.

Just about any vehicle on the road can be modified with aftermarket parts. However, with more than 281 million vehicles currently on the road in the United States, knowing where the greatest opportunities for customization are can be challenging. In the new “SEMA Vehicle Landscape Report,” the SEMA Market Research team looks at changes in the vehicle landscape, where the greatest opportunities are for the aftermarket industry and trends that may impact businesses.

What does the current vehicle landscape look like? What are the latest trends? Where is the opportunity for the specialty-equipment industry moving forward? The SEMA report answers these questions and more. Readers will find:

  • An overview of the current vehicles on the road in the United States today.
  • New light-vehicle sales and powertrain projections.
  • The hottest models for the specialty-equipment industry.
  • The latest vehicle trends, including electrification and advanced vehicle technology.

Download the new 2021 SEMA Vehicle Landscape Report today at and register here for the upcoming webinar “Vehicle Landscape: Which Cars and Trucks are Hot?,” as the SEMA Market Research team provides an in-depth overview of the report and answers questions.