
Manufacturers: Reserve Your Space for SEMA360 Today

By Carr Winn, Fredy Ramirez and Jay Carpio

In just one week since introducing the showcase space application, more than 125 companies have already registered to display their newest products and latest builds at SEMA360. This exclusive online marketplace will connect manufacturers with qualified resellers and media, worldwide. To join the industry November 2-6, 2020, visit

“With a vast appeal and access to an exclusive database, SEMA360 is the best place for manufacturers to build brand awareness, connect with existing and prospective customers, and feature what’s new,” said Tom Gattuso, SEMA vice president of events. “SEMA360 is essential to helping companies meet their 2020 business objectives and build momentum toward a successful 2021.”

“Prior to creating SEMA360, we gathered the industry’s input and learned their concerns about typical virtual trade events, which can be complicated and cumbersome,” said Gattuso. “SEMA360 is straightforward and simple, with a focus on helping manufacturers do business and connect with the industry.”

Through the SEMA360 platform, manufacturers have flexibility and can easily create custom showcases to promote their companies and new product innovations to help meet their specific goals. A dedicated customer service rep will be assigned to each manufacturer to assist with all logistical and technical aspects of the process.

In addition to Manufacturer Showcase Pages, SEMA360 will include dedicated areas for new products, project vehicles, industry-leading seminars and private forums.

SEMA-member manufacturers can secure their Manufacturer Showcase Page for $495 ($1,495 for nonmembers). For additional details, visit, contact 909-396-0289 or e-mail