
Department of Labor Seeks Feedback on Paid Leave Programs and Family and Medical Leave Act

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is seeking public feedback on the effectiveness of current state- and employer-provided paid leave programs, and how access or lack of access to paid leave programs impacts America’s workers and their families. Paid leave refers to paid family and medical leave to care for family members, or for one’s own health. The information gathered is intended to help the DOL identify promising practices related to eligibility requirements, related costs and administrative models for the existing paid leave programs.

Find out more information. Comments due September 14, 2020.  

The DOL is also gathering information on the effectiveness of its current regulations for implementing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. The DOL’s effort is part of a regular review to explore whether its regulations have remained current with evolving workplace and demographic changes. The intent is to make sure that the DOL is providing comprehensive compliance assistance to employers and workers. For example, the DOL seeks input from employers and employees on the current FMLA regulations, specifically: what would employers and workers like to see changed in the FMLA regulations to better effectuate the rights and obligations under the FMLA?

Find out more information. Comments due September 15, 2020.

Questions? Stuart Gosswein at