
Two Easy Things You Can Do to Pass the RPM Act and Protect the Future of Motorsports

By Washington, D.C., Staff

Now that the RPM Act has been introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate during the 2019-2020 session of Congress, it’s up to industry and the racing community to ensure that our elected officials in Washington, DC make passing the bill a top priority! We need your business to rally its customers, employees, followers and friends to take action and tell Congress to save our racecars. After you send your letter at, here are two easy ways your business can help continue the RPM Act’s progress. (The following materials and additional assets can also be found at

1. Promote the RPM Act on your website and at your business.

  • Consider adding custom RPM Act graphics and GIFs to your website’s homepage and promotional materials. You can also print these materials to display in your store or garage. Find the images here.
  • If adding the image to your website, be sure to link each image to That way, visitors to your site will be sent to the letter-writing campaign directly. The form is short and only takes less than 30 seconds to fill out.

2. Spread the word on social media.

  • Your company can easily share the following Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts on your own social-media platforms. Encourage your followers to write Congress and share these posts with their friends and contacts. Find the images here.


Facebook (Copy and paste the text): Act now to defend the future of racing! Tell Congress to support the RPM Act (Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act)—a bill to protect our industry and hobby. Send a new letter today, even if you have done so in the past:

(Right click the image and select “save as.” Name the file, then upload it to your Facebook post).

Twitter (Copy and paste the text): Tell your member of Congress to support the #RPMAct & defend the future of racing:

Instagram (Copy and paste the text): Act now to #saveourracecars! Tell Congress to support the #RPMAct:

(Right click the image and select “save as.” Name the file, then upload it on your Instagram post)


Facebook (Copy and paste the text): Act now to defend the your right to compete! Tell Congress to support the RPM Act (Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act) —a bill to protect our industry and hobby. Send a new letter today, even if you have done so in the past:

(Right click the image and select “save as.” Name the file, then upload it to your Facebook post).

(Right click the image and select “save as.” Name the file, then upload it on your Facebook post.)

Twitter (Copy and paste the text): Tell your member of Congress to support the #RPMAct and defend your right to compete:

Instagram (Copy and paste the text): Act now to #saveourracecars! Tell Congress to support the #RPM Act:

(Right click the image and select “save as.” Name the file, then upload it on your Instagram post).