By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff
The Trump Administration has finalized a second list of Chinese products worth $16 billion that will be subject to 25% tariffs beginning August 23. The list covers 279 tariff categories, including many types of plastics.
Since July 6, Customs has been collecting duties on a first list of products valued at $34 billion. The subject product list includes miscellaneous metal and rubber parts for auto equipment, machinery, tools, measurement and medical devices. This list is subject to exclusion requests. Companies may file product exclusion requests at Docket USTR-2018-0025. Such requests should address whether the product is only available from China and whether the imposition of duties will cause severe economic harm.
In addition to the current tariffs totalling $50 billion, President Trump has threatened 25% tariffs on another $200 billion worth of products from China. The tariffs could be imposed as early as October. The initial list covers hundreds of consumer products, from fish to furniture and apparel. It includes many auto parts, from engines and metal fasteners to tires, steering wheel components, rubber gaskets, transmission belts, brake pads, windshields and suspension springs. The deadline for submitting comments on the third round of tariffs is September 6.
The U.S. tariffs are an attempt to lower the U.S./China trade deficit and to deter cybertheft of intellectual property by Chinese government and companies. Negotiations have stalled to date, and China is imposing retaliatory 25% tariffs totaling about $50 billion. Most of the tariffs imposed by China are for agricultural products, but the list also includes vehicles such as large passenger cars and motorcycles.
For more information, contact Stuart Gosswein at