
SEMA Urges U.S. Department of Commerce to Oppose 25% Tariffs on Imported Automobiles and Auto Parts

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

SEMA submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) in opposition to threatened tariffs on imported automobiles and auto parts.

SEMA submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) in opposition to threatened tariffs on imported automobiles and auto parts. At the request of President Trump, the DOC is investigating whether these products pose a threat to America’s national security. The DOC will issue its findings and recommendations for presidential actions, if any. President Trump has stated that he is considering global tariffs of 20% to 25%. The tariffs could take effect prior to the mid-term elections.

The DOC investigation applies to all types of cars and parts, including new cars, classic cars, OEM parts and specialty auto parts. The move would directly affect all U.S. automakers and parts suppliers who use imported components, as well as importers of cars, trucks and SUVs.

SEMA will testify at a DOC hearing to be held July 19–20. Read SEMA’s submitted written comments.

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