By Douglas McColloch
SEMA Show Education Days offers workshops and seminars to provide business owners with the information they need to build a thriving social presence, expand their brand’s online footprint, reach the new plugged-in generation of consumers and utilize social media to generate new revenue streams. |
For a company to succeed in the Digital Age, it needs to maintain a robust presence on the internet, specifically on social media. To the business owner who’s more accustomed to old-school, in-store transactions, the myriad options available to build a social network—tweets, podcasts, livestreams—can pose endless questions: What social platform works best for my business? How do I build and grow a digital audience? What kind of knowledge and resources do I need?
That’s where SEMA Show Education Days can help, with workshops and seminars to provide business owners with the information they need to build a thriving social presence, expand their brand’s online footprint, reach the new plugged-in generation of consumers and utilize social media to generate new revenue streams.
Be sure not to miss these 2017 sessions:
The State of Social: What’s Now, What’s New and What’s Next (KC3)
In this session, attendees will review the latest social-media developments and learn how they can leverage the power of the latest and most popular social apps—including Facebook Live, Instagram, SnapChat and more—to grow their brand’s market presence, reach a new generation of customers and drive future sales.
Presented by: Corey Perlman,
Time: Friday, November 3, 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Where: Upper North Hall, Room N258
6 Keys to Unlocking and Sharing Your Organization’s Engaging Stories Through Social Media (KC4)
Sharing meaningful content on social media can pose a major time investment for the business owner to build a dedicated user base. Fortunately, there are some basic principles and tactics to make the effort more manageable while keeping the audience engaged. In this session, attendees will learn how to create and organize original content, incentivize their users to participate in creating content and effectively manage content updates and user interactions.
Presented by: Mike Brown, The Brainzooming Group
Time: Friday, November 3, 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Where: Upper North Hall, Room N258
Building a Sustainable Social Media Strategy (SM1)
Do you feel like social-media marketing is a constant game of running in circles without ever feeling like you’re getting ahead? In this session, attendees will learn which areas of their businesses can be most impacted through social-media efforts, and where best to invest their time and resources. Using a supplied workbook, attendees will review step-by-step processes to identify relevant business goals, translate them into effective social-media tactics and choose the best channels on which to focus.
Presented by: Jennifer Cairo, SugarSpun Marketing
Time: Tuesday, October 31, 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Where: Upper North Hall, Room N252
Working with YouTube and Facebook Stars to Reach the Next Generation of Automotive Enthusiasts (SM4)
It’s important to have a presence on social media, but are you getting the engagement you want and good return on your investment? Enter the “social influencers”—car guys who speak to the digital generation and who have built tremendous followings on Facebook, YouTube and other platforms. In this session, GarageMonkey gathers some of the most successful automotive influencers to share their real-world experiences to help attendees maximize their social-marketing objectives.
Time: Thursday, November 2, 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Where: Upper North Hall, Room N258
Create Killer Content Using Images and Video (SM5)
Social media has evolved into a multimedia communication tool. In this session, attendees will learn best practices on how to easily transform their static content into shareable images and video.
Presented by: Corey Perlman,
Time: Thursday, November 2, 11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Where: Upper North Hall, Room 256
View the complete lineup of education sessions.