Business Tools

How Can You Use Social Media to Earn Real Dollars?

By Michael Hart

The 2016 SEMA Show education session entitled “Working with YouTube and Facebook Stars to Reach the Next Generation of Automotive Enthusiasts” will show attendees how they can turn social media into money in their pockets.

By now, everyone should be marketing their businesses on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Guys such as ChrisFix, EricTheCarGuy and Jason Fenske are “influencers” in the automotive aftermarket industry who sometimes reach millions of people with a single YouTube video.

The 2016 SEMA Show education session entitled “Working with YouTube and Facebook Stars to Reach the Next Generation of Automotive Enthusiasts,” Wednesday, November 2, at 9:00 a.m., will show attendees how they can turn the strange new world of social media into money in their pockets.

“Social media is a marketing channel you can use,” said Joe Franzetta who, along with Steven Kuo, runs Garage Monkey, a company that connects social-media influencers—a.k.a. YouTube and Facebook stars—with aftermarket companies that can benefit from being associated with them.

“We’re going to break down the barriers and help you figure out how to harness this new phenomenon,” Franzetta said of the conference session. “This is social-media content marketing 101. If you don’t know what an influencer is, you’ll learn.”

Franzetta and Kuo will also have with them at the session some of the biggest stars of the aftermarket social media world. Among others, attendees will hear from ChrisFix, whose YouTube channel has 1 million subscribers, and Jason Fenske of Engineering Explained, who aired a video he produced at the Montreal Formula 1 race and got 1.5 million views in the first week. Add Matt Myrick of BustedKnuckleVideo and Matt Maranowski of SubaruWRXFan, and these influencers get 35 million views per month on YouTube and Facebook.

Franzetta, Kuo and the social-media stars will show attendees how to take advantage of social media to reach customers in a way traditional media no longer can.

“This is the magazine of the 21st century,” Franzetta said.

They will answer important questions, including:

  • Why is social media even important to me?
  • How can I get one of these guys to put my product in front of their audience?
  • How much will it cost? And what’s the return for me?

For complete information on all the 2016 SEMA Show education tracks, visit SEMA Show Education.