
SEMA Members Gear Up to Push for RPM Act Action This Fall

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

The RPM Act continues to build critical support this summer. To date, race fans and industry members have sent approximately 166,000 letters to Congress, urging lawmakers to protect the future of motorsports.

And Congress has noticed. In fact, more than a quarter of members in both the House and Senate have agreed to sponsor the RPM Act. Adding Members of Congress as co-sponsors to the RPM Act is the best way to get House and Senate to act on the bill.

Helping lawmakers appreciate the impact that the RPM Act will have on their district’s local businesses and livelihoods of their constituents—and voters—is the bedrock of our efforts to secure additional co-sponsors. SEMA members are crucial in the effort. As we head closer to Election Day, the next several weeks are an ideal time to get your lawmakers to listen to you.

Here are a number of different ways you can continue your outreach to Congress:

Call Your Senators: In an effort to continue to add more Senate co-sponsors, SEMA urges members to call their Senators’ offices directly and highlight what the issue means to their local business. Find your Senators’ phone numbers here:

Send a Personal Letter from Your Business: Having a business owner or senior employee send a personal letter on the company’s letterhead to lawmakers is especially helpful in encouraging a member of Congress to co-sponsor the bill. SEMA members can send their letters directly to and SEMA’s Washington, D.C., staff will deliver the letters to lawmaker offices directly.

Request a Meeting: Contact your lawmaker’s office and request a face-to-face meeting with the member or their staff in your lawmaker’s district office. Please email the SEMA Washington, D.C., staff at if you’re interested in setting up a meeting.

Participate in SEMA’s Congressional Site Visit Program: Host a member of Congress at your business, provide them with a tour of the facility, and help your lawmaker better understand the motorsports industry and the issues that it faces. Please email the SEMA Washington, D.C., staff at if you’re interested in participating.

Urge Your Employees and Fellow Racers to Contact Congress: Visiting and sending a letter through the RPM Act electronic letter-writing campaign is the easiest way to tell Congress to protect the future of racing. It only takes a minute and can make a huge impact in our effort to support the RPM Act!

Want to learn more about our efforts on the RPM Act? Check out this month’s SEMA News article: The Inside Scoop on the RPM Act.