
Editors, Reporters! Get Advance Previews of SEMA Show Exhibitors

By Monika Earle

The TORA Media Preview will enable editors and reports to preview products and conduct interviews before the SEMA Show officially opens.

Editors and reporters at the 2016 SEMA Show will be able to preview products and conduct interviews before the Show officially opens by participating in the Truck and Off-Road Alliance (TORA) Media Preview. The media-exclusive event takes place Monday, October 31, the day before the annual SEMA Show opens to buyers and industry professionals in Las Vegas.

“The TORA Media Preview is a chance for the media to get a sneak peek at what exhibitors have planned for the SEMA Show,” said Allan Keefe, SEMA’s senior manager of councils. “The event caters specifically to the needs of the media and gives editors a chance to meet with exhibitors without the distraction of buyers on the Show floor.”

The TORA Media Preview hours are 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. in the SEMA Show Media Center. The 2016 Media Preview will include 25 exhibiting companies, all members of the Truck and Off-Road Alliance (TORA) who manufacture truck-related products.

To attend the preview, media can select the event on the SEMA Show media application at Those who have already secured media credentials or who have questions about the TORA Media Preview may contact SEMA PR at or 909-978-6722.