
Specialty-Equipment Market Sales Hit All-Time High

By Gavin Knapp

market research
The 2016 SEMA Market Report is now available at

The specialty-equipment market set a new retail sales record of $39.2 billion in 2015. The 8% increase propelled the industry to a sixth consecutive year of growth. Once again, the street-performance niche set the pace for growth, but each sector of the market, from cars to trucks to classics, is feeling the lift of greater consumer spending. 

Want to learn more? The 2016 SEMA Market Report is now available. Download the report today to get a broad view of industry sales, consumer purchase behavior, market and economic trends, and vehicle sales. The 2016 Market Report is free for SEMA members and can be found at

To learn more, join us for an informative webinar, July 21, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. (PDT). SEMA's Director of Market Research Gavin Knapp, will present highlights from the 2016 SEMA Market Report and answer your questions on the state of the industry. Register for the 2016 SEMA Market Report Webinar today.

See all of SEMA’s market research information at