
Buying a Booth: Choosing the Right Size for You

By Becca Butler

SEMA Show Director Tom Gattuso offers tips to help companies choose the right booth size for the Show.

A commonly asked question among SEMA Show exhibitors is which booth size is right for me? While you don’t want to have excess space, you also want to ensure you have plenty of room to meet your needs.

SEMA Show Director Tom Gattuso shares some tips to help exhibitors determine the best booth size for their needs:

  1. Start by identifying your goals. Whether you’re focused on increasing brand awareness, generating leads, meeting new and existing customers, networking or introducing new products, identifying your goals will help determine what needs to be included in your booth.
  2. Take a guess as to what size booth you think you might need, then literally draw the booth on a piece of paper. In the drawing, include all the items and elements you needs to accomplish the goals identified in Step 1. Items may include a product display, vehicle, product demonstration and even customers. You may need to adjust the booth size a few times before settling on a final number.
  3. Confirm that the size in your drawing will actually work by physically marking the space out on the floor of your shop. A tape measure and a roll of tape is all you’ll need to mark an area that represents the size of your booth dimensions, giving you a better idea of how things will actually fit. Map out your product display, tables and even your display vehicle by driving one into the space. Seeing it live will help you determine if there is enough room for everything you need, and/or if you have unnecessary space and can downsize.

What if I can’t fit a vehicle in my booth?
Exhibitors interested in displaying a vehicle at the SEMA Show, but not in their booth, can apply for a feature vehicle display. Feature vehicle space is sponsored by an exhibitor and will be on display directly outside the Las Vegas Convention Center. (All exhibitors, including those with booth vehicles, may sponsor a feature vehicle space.)

When do I select my booth size?
Exhibitors select their booth size and configuration when applying for SEMA Show Booth Space. Sizes are available in increments of 10 sq. ft., so the smallest size would be 10’x10’. Read more about the different booth sizes and configurations available.

What if I want to change my booth size?
For exhibitors that submit an application before Monday April, 6, 2015, the size selected on the application is the size that will be assigned during the Priority Booth Selection process. Changes may be made after the entire process is completed. Exhibitors that select their space after the Priority Booth Selection process can make adjustments while the space is being assigned.

Account representatives are available to help exhibitors identify what booth size might be best and to assist with general planning. Contact a rep at, 909-396-0289, or apply for booth online.