
2013 SEMA Show Exhibitor Update

By Chuck Schwartz

Showtime is just three months away. It's time to start making preparations, if you haven't done so already. Whether you're a first-timer or veteran exhibitor, the information below provides key deadlines and criticial information for helping you prepare and pull off a successful Show:

Deadlines Checklist

One of the most important elements of the Exhibitor Manual, and vital in your planning for the SEMA Show, is the Deadlines Checklist. This document will provide you with all the important dates to have everything ordered for your booth and to ensure the lowest prices possible. Please consider printing this page and having it readily available and posted on your desktop so you can reference it throughout the year.

  boothIf your booth is 400 sq.-ft. or larger, you must send an Exhibit Space Design Notification and an exhibit floorplan to Show management.

Is Your Booth 400 sq.-ft. or Larger?
Deadline: September 13

If your booth is 400 sq.-ft. or larger, you must send an Exhibit Space Design Notification and an exhibit floorplan to Show management. This can be hand-drawn with basic booth components, including hanging-sign components, display fixture sizes and vehicle placements. The online form provides an opportunity to attach documents and the form will only take a few minutes to complete. Forms for booths 1,000 sq.-ft. or larger will be submitted to the Las Vegas Convention Center for fire marshal approval. If you have any questions, contact Jeff Pressman at or call 702-216-5834.

Are You Hanging a Sign Above Your Booth?
Deadline: September 13

If you're hanging a sign in your booth, you must complete a Hanging Sign Design Notification Form. Please include the height, width, number of sides, exact location of where it will be hung over the booth and a description and photo or drawing of the sign. The online form provides an opportunity to attach documents, and the form will only take a few minutes to complete. If you have any questions, contact Jeff Pressman at or call 702-216-5834.

 SEMA Webinars, SEMA Show, SEMA Education Institute (SEI)
Tom Gattuso of SEMA helped lead a seminar dedicated to preparing to exhibit at the SEMA Show.

How to Get the Most From Your SEMA Show Investment

To help SEMA members prepare for the Show, the SEMA Education Institute (SEI) has developed a three-part series of webinars designed to help exhibitors—both first-timers and veterans—get the most out of their SEMA Show investment. Preparing for the Show is a tremendous task, and to successfully navigate the logistical and operational aspects involved, a strategy is needed. The first session in the series covered pre-Show marketing and provides insight into proven ways to drive booth traffic, tactics for getting exposure and attention at the Show and how to eliminate costly exhibitor mistakes. Session one is available now for SEMA members to view free of charge.

Things to Check in Your SEMA Show Directory Listing
Deadline: August 30

Exhibitors have until August 30 to update their SEMA Show Directory listing. The listing is used by buyers to identify prospective new business partners throughout the year. In addition to being mailed to 18,000 industry professionals in advance of the SEMA Show, the directory is distributed to attendees on-site at the SEMA Show. Exhibitors can ensure that buyers can reach them by verifying their directory listings. Exhibitors are advised to check the following information in their listings:

  • Company Name: Verify that the company name is spelled correctly and appears as you wish for it to appear.
  • Company Description: Buyers who are not familiar with your company will determine whether or not to look into your company further based on your company description. There is a character count limit, so choose your words wisely. Include key words pertaining to the markets or niches you target, or products of focus. Avoid marketing jargon or promotions, as such information may be edited out.

Free Opportunity to Promote Your Brand Globally
Deadline: September 8

Each year, thousands of buyers from more than 130 countries come to the SEMA Show seeking innovative products that they can sell to consumers in their area. To help them connect with manufacturers that export products, these buyers turn to the SEMA International Buyers’ Guide. Filled with a list of manufacturers that export automotive products and accessories, the guide listings are available exclusively to 2013 SEMA Show exhibitors. The guide is also distributed at major overseas trade shows throughout the year. To be included in the 2013–2014 SEMA International Buyers’ Guide, exhibitors must register.

SEMA Data Co-op Education Sessions at the Show

Join the staff of the SEMA Data Co-op (SDC) for a day of information and education about Product Data Management, Monday, November 4. Two rooms have been reserved for the educational seminar, and each session will be repeated in the morning and afternoon to best accommodate busy schedules.

Topics will include introductory courses on ACES and PIES standards, advanced ACES and PIES sessions, SDC Supplier and Receiver user groups, a look into what's coming next at the SEMA Data Co-op, and for those that have not yet checked us out, an introductory session, which includes a demonstration of our online data management solution. Bring your questions and participate in some lively discussion—we are here to help!

These sessions are available for free. Sign up online in advance to secure your seats, and be sure to bring anyone on your team who can benefit from this valuable face-to-face educational opportunity.

Who Do You Contact?

If you have questions and are not sure who to contact, a list of contacts, which includes their direct-dial phone numbers and e-mail addresses, is available. All are always ready to assist. The general phone number at SEMA is 909-396-0289; ConvExx Show Management is 702-450-7662.