
2013 SEMA Annual Market Report Now Available

By SEMA Market Research

 SEMA Annual Market Report, SEMA Show
The Annual Market Report is conducted yearly to help SEMA-member companies understand the industry and make informed business decisions. Like all of SEMA's research reports, the annual study is available to SEMA members at no cost.

The 2013 SEMA Annual Market Report has just been released.  

This study is conducted yearly to help SEMA-member companies understand the industry and make informed business decisions. It has long been one of SEMA’s most popular and useful reports. Whether you are new to the industry and working on a business plan, or a veteran interested in the latest data, this report is a great resource.  

In 2012, the specialty-equipment market grew to $31 billion, marking the third year of consecutive growth. The current report includes:

  • The overall size of the specialty-equipment market
  • Sales within specialty-equipment segments and niches
  • Consumer purchase patterns
  • Industry and economic trends
  • Vehicle sales trends
The report can be downloaded free of charge for SEMA members, while non-SEMA members can purchase a copy for $299.