SEMA Show Management has created two new ways that exhibitors can save money on services at the 2013 SEMA Show. | |
By Jason Catullo
Exhibitors preparing for the 2013 SEMA Show can take advantage of two new opportunities to save money on Show services. The first chance to save is through a change in freight delivery. Companies with 400 sq.-ft. or less of exhibit space will receive their first 500 lbs. of freight delivered to their booth free, regardless of how it arrives to the Show. In addition, those exhibitors with exhibit space of 500 sq. ft. or more will receive a 35% discount on carpet, as well as free carpet padding on carpet ordered through Freeman.
"SEMA Show management consistently develops ways to help exhibitors control costs," said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA vice president of communications and events. "With these new discounts, significantly more exhibitors can participate and save and increase the ROI on their Show investments."
To learn more about these discounts outlined above, access the SEMA Show Exhibitor Manual (ESM) online.
Filled with more than 100 vital forms and documents for Show planning, the ESM includes contact information, details about staff registration, hotels, parking, order forms and more. The ESM is the first place exhibitors should turn to stay on track with booth and display planning by using resources such as the Budget Checklist, which is useful to track expenditures ranging from booth services to staff expenses, and the Deadline Checklist, a reference sheet that exhibitors use to track key deadlines and submit orders on time to receive advance rates.
“We recommend that all exhibitors make time to review and familiarize themselves with the ESM,” added MacGillivray. “An investment of 15–20 minutes just to get acquainted with what’s included in the ESM will prove valuable.”
For exhibitors that are new to the Show, the ESM is useful to obtain contact information, understand what's included in a booth order, review move-out information and more. In fact, one of the most useful forms in the ESM for first-time exhibitors is the "Frequently Rented Items" form, also referred to as the First-Timer Cheat Sheet. The form outlines the most frequently requested booth rental items at the Show, along with pricing and the deadline to order the item or service to receive the advance rate.
The 2013 SEMA Show takes place Tuesday–Friday, November 5–8, in Las Vegas. More than 2,400 exhibiting companies, and more than 130,000 industry professionals from throughout the world, are expected to attend the event. Manufacturers interested in exhibiting may do so by visiting Industry professionals can register to attend at