With little more than one month left until Show time, here are upcoming SEMA Show deadlines:
Refer to the SEMA Show's Deadline Checklist so you don't miss out on important dates. |
A complete list of all upcoming deadlines can be found in the Deadline Checklist, located online in the Exhibitor Manual. There will be several deadlines hitting October 5, so continuously reference the Deadline Checklist while you are planning to receive the Advance Rates, when available, or capitalize on all the marketing opportunities offered by SEMA, many of which are free.
Promote Your Company’s Products on a Feature Vehicle
Deadline: September 21
Don’t be shut out of one of SEMA’s most visible promotional opportunities. Submit your Feature Vehicle Application online or by going to the Exhibitor Manual and finding all information regarding feature vehicles in a section on the left column. Vehicles must be unique and aligned with the industry. Feature vehicle check-in takes place Sunday, October 28. Select your check-in time when you sign up online. Vehicles are placed as they are checked in. More information is available in the Exhibitor Manual. Questions? E-mail featurevehicle@convexx.com.
Opportunities Available to Host Students and Foster the Industry's Next Generation
Deadline: September 28
SEMA Show exhibitors are invited to host a student during the 2012 SEMA Show. Hosting a student is a tangible way to foster the industry’s next generation by providing them with an opportunity to gain real-world experience. The Exhibitor Host Program offers SEMA Show exhibitors an excellent opportunity to serve as positive role models and to observe qualified, dependable and productive potential employees at the Show. It’s a win-win situation. Participating students are from all over the country and represent some of the brightest, most promising individuals in automotive aftermarket careers. If you are interested in hosting a student, complete the Exhibitor Host Form. Deadline to participate is September 28, 2012. For more information, contact Juliet Marshall at JulietM@sema.org or call 909-978-6655.
Capture Your New Leads – Order the Lead Retrieval Machine
Deadline: October 3 for Advance Rate
SEMA has again partnered with CompuSystems to provide you with tools for managing the entire lead-retrieval process. Every attendee on the Show floor wears a badge with their contact information. Additional details are embedded within a bar code. CompuSystems offers a suite of lead-management products and services to easily capture and qualify leads. Different styles of units available include handheld, desktop, computer-based and a smartphone app for both Android and Apple devices. Call 708-786-5565 for more information. You will need your SEMA password to access the CompuSystems dashboard. Contact customer service at SEMA-Reg@convexx.com or call 702-450-7662, ext. 120 if you need your password. Once you are logged in, click on the link to “Order Lead Retrieval.” The deadline for receiving the Advance Rate is October 3, so act soon to get the best pricing.
Entered Ideas Alive? New Products and Featured Products Program Offers Maximum Exposure!
You must be entered in this program. First entry is free! Buyers and media hang out in this section because they are looking for the latest and greatest products. Don’t miss this opportunity. It is important to have products in the New Products Showcase if you really want to give your business maximum exposure.
Is a Third-Party Providing You Services at the Show? Complete All EAC Requirements to Avoid Delay or Extra Costs
Deadline: October 12
An Exhibitor-Appointed Contractor (EAC) is a third-party contractor performing services for an exhibitor. Contractors subject to the EAC rules are any companies and/or individuals that provide services to SEMA exhibitors, including, but not limited to, an installation and dismantling company, exhibit builder, sound and lighting company, detailer or any person or company providing direct services other than the official contractors listed in the Exhibitor Manual. EACs must conform to the EAC rules of the SEMA Show and complete the application by the October 12 deadline. Questions? Contact Donna Lawson at 702-450-7662, ext. 100 or e-mail EAC@sema.org.