
EPA Phasing Out Gas Pump Vapor Recovery Nozzles

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is phasing-out a rule that certain gasoline stations install vapor-recovery nozzles on gas pumps. The pollution-control devices have been required since 1994 in about 40 ozone non-attainment areas across the country. Individual states will still have authority to mandate the nozzles. The EPA’s decision to abandon the nozzles is part of the Obama Administration’s directive that federal agencies identify outdated regulations. The EPA concluded that the controls are unnecessary since about 70% of all U.S. vehicles are now equipped with onboard vapor recovery systems, including all vehicles manufactured after 2006. According to the EPA, 31,000 affected gas stations in mostly urban areas where smog is a problem will each save $3,000 apiece once the ruling is fully implemented. 

For details, contact Stuart Gosswein at