
Maryland Bill to Restrict Eligibility for Historic Vehicle Registration Amended to Satisfy Hobbyist Concerns

In consultation with the hobbyist community in the state, SEMA worked with Del. Kirill Reznik to amend legislation in the House and Senate that originally threatened to further limit the use of “historic motor vehicles.” Under the introduced bills, the age requirement would have been raised from 20 to at least 25 years old, historic cars would have been prohibited from being used for “occasional transportation” and an historic vehicle, show vehicle or antique insurance policy would have been required. 

Under the amendments, vehicles would continue to be eligible for the historic class upon their 20th year; the collector insurance mandate would be deleted and the “occasional use” provision would be restored. Further, permissible use would now include “for the purposes of obtaining repairs and routine maintenance.”

SEMA also helped increase the classes of vehicles among those eligible for historic status to include taxi cabs, funeral vehicles and ambulances and limousines. The amended bills will require that there be a “daily driver” registered to the same address as the historic vehicle that would be used for primary transportation. 

More information is available. For details, contact Steve McDonald at