
Industry Roundtable on Counterfeit High-Performance Products

SEMA will host an industry roundtable meeting, Monday, October 31, at 3:00 p.m. in the LVCC, Room N218 at this year’s SEMA Show to share information about the growing presence of counterfeit high-performance products in our market and discuss what SEMA-member companies can do to protect themselves and their customers from these counterfeits. The purpose of the meeting will be to:
  • Provide an overview of what is presently known about this newly emerging problem;
  • Gather information from attendees about the presence of counterfeit products in the high-performance market in the United States and internationally;
  • Discuss steps that SEMA members can take to protect themselves and their customers from counterfeits; and
  • Determine how SEMA may help its membership to block or stop counterfeit products from entering the market.
To help us prepare for this meeting, it would be extremely helpful for any company that has been a victim of counterfeiting to immediately contact Stuart Gosswein in the SEMA Washington Office at 202/783-6007, ext. 30 or  

Please submit your RSVP today so that a seat is reserved for you at the SEMA Industry Roundtable on Counterfeit High Performance Products.