Business Tools

Best Practices: Working With Media at the SEMA Show

SEMA News—September 2011

Best Practices: Working With the Media at the SEMA Show

It’s a Prime Place for Industry Companies to Gain Publicity

    Thousands of writers, editors and commentators will flock to Las Vegas from November 1–4 to gather material for their publications, blogs and broadcasts.
The writers, editors, commentators and hosts who flock to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas generate ideas for enough technical, how-to and feature stories to last a whole year. Those stories come about because savvy specialty-equipment companies feed leads about their products to the attending media.
Thousands of writers, editors and commentators will flock to Las Vegas from November 1–4 to gather material for their publications, blogs and broadcasts. Don’t assume that the media will find you just because you’re exhibiting, however.

They will be surrounded by nearly 2,000 businesses that would love to receive publicity, so they will go to those companies whose products they find interesting. SEMA has tools that will help ensure that they know about yours.

2011 SEMA Show Directory

Media and other SEMA Show attendees find booths, learn about companies and establish contacts using the SEMA Show Directory and the SEMA Show Pocket Guide. Most take the directory and guide back to their offices and refer to them throughout the year when they look for story sources. In order to be included in these two printed directories, your SEMA Show exhibitor booth space must be reserved by September 2, 2011. If you have any questions or need assistance regarding your company’s directory listing, contact Marel Del Rio at 909/978-6740.

PR Contact Information

SEMA also publishes a list of exhibiting companies’ public relations and marketing contacts so that the media can connect with the right person at each company for information or to set up interviews. To be included in the list, e-mail the following information to with the subject line “Exhibitor PR Contact Info.” Include the exhibiting company’s name, contact person’s name, contact company (if different from the exhibitor, such as a marketing or PR firm), phone number, e-mail address, a SEMA Show onsite mobile phone number and exhibitor booth number. The deadline to submit this information is September 16.

Media Conference

    Thousands of writers, editors and commentators will flock to Las Vegas from November 1–4 to gather material for their publications, blogs and broadcasts
The SEMA Show Media Center Sponsored by Continental Tire serves as “home base” for thousands of editors and reporters during the Show.
Any exhibitor that is making a newsworthy announcement at the SEMA Show is invited to hold a press conference. To reserve a place in the schedule, visit here. Follow the steps to complete the form and submit it by September 2. (Conferences are not intended for new-product announcements, and exhibitors are not authorized to hold media conferences outside of the official schedule or offsite during SEMA Show hours.) Applications will be screened for inclusion in the schedule, and companies that receive a scheduled time should independently promote their media conference to ensure maximum attendance.

Ideas Alive: Featuring the New Products Showcase

Entering a new product in the Ideas Alive: Featuring the New Products Showcase is a terrific way to introduce media members to your company. The display provides all exhibitors with an easy and affordable way to gain product exposure, and now there are three ways to participate: new products, first-time exhibitor products and featured products. To participate in the program, fill out the New Products Showcase entry form by October 7. The first entry in any category is free, and all additional entries are $75 per product category if received by October 7. After October 7, the fee is $150 per product category, and entries submitted onsite will be accepted based on space availability.

Celebrity Appearances and Famous Vehicles

Scheduling a celebrity appearance is another great way to generate media traffic to your booth. SEMA publicizes celebrity appearances—both human and vehicular—on the SEMA Show website and in association publications, including SEMA News and SEMA eNews. To have your celebrity or famous-car appearance publicized, visit The earlier the information is received, the more opportunities it will have to be publicized, but the deadline for submissions is September 2. For more information, contact SEMA Trade Shows Specialist Lisa Schafer at or 909/978-6742.

Exhibitor Product Training Session

Exhibitor Product Training Sessions allow exhibitors to explain and demonstrate product applications and uses, but they are also an excellent way to inform media members about products that may be covered in technical or how-to stories. The training sessions are included in the schedules published on as well as in printed publications, such as the SEMA Show Pocket Guide. The charge to the exhibitor for each 30-minute time slot is only $125, and admission is free to all attendees. Visit here for additional information.

To receive the latest updates about the 2011 SEMA Show, subscribe to SEMA eNews. Here is more information about working with the media at the SEMA Show.