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Join the Discussion: Is Automotive Passion Lost on Today's Youth?


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Where has the love gone? Is automotive passion lost on today’s youth?

In a recent post on the Youth Market forum on regarding whether youth interest in automobiles is declining, Claudia Soto of MSD Ignition said:

“I think in addition to the increase in technology and the perception that cars are merely a source of transportation and nothing more within this young generation, the lack of face to face communication has created empathy within this young group. There really is no passion, no interests in anything outside the video games, texts, e-mails, social media, etc.”

What do you think? Is youth interest declining? Does it threaten the industry's future? We encourage you to join the discussion here.

SEMA's recently created member forums offer opportunities for members to network and sound off about topics that are important to them in a variety of areas that affect businesses today, such as marketing, sales and development, information technology and penetrating the youth market.

To participate in these discussions, you'll first need to join the groups here. Group participation is free to SEMA members. For questions about the forums, contact or 909/978-6722.