
Get Into the 2011 SEMA Show Daily

  Cover of 2010 SEMA Show Daily
  The 2011 SEMA Show Daily will be exclusively distributed to Show attendees.

Available to the more than 100,000 SEMA Show attendees who enter the Las Vegas Convention Center, the SEMA Show Daily is the Show's official newspaper. Covering the Show like no other single publication, it features editorial uniquely dedicated to each of the 12 sections of the SEMA Show. Four issues are produced each year during the Show, designed to preview upcoming events and activities, as well as provide a recap of award-winning products and the people behind them.

Produced on-site by the SEMA Publications team, the newspaper is a great tool for promoting your company and its newest products and achievements. For editorial consideration, simply e-mail Managing Editor Carr Winn a news release about your latest product, project vehicle or Show-related event and include any related artwork in a high-resolution file (tif, eps or jpeg format).

The first installment of the newspaper will hit mailboxes several weeks prior to the Show, offering readers a preview of what to expect when the Show opens November 1. The next three installments will provide an overview of seminars, press conferences and other "can't miss" opportunities related to the 2011 SEMA Show. To be considered for this first issue of the Show Daily, your submission must be received by August 12, 2011. If you can't meet the early deadline, there are still three more issues, and material for those can be accepted up until October 7, 2011.

In addition to pre-Show publicity, as companies receive awards for their incredible achievements in new-product development and project-vehicle buildups, the SEMA Show Daily will proudly be among the first publications to celebrate these accomplishments. Just remember to include the SEMA Show Daily team on your distribution list as you send out media announcements during Show week by adding to your contact list.

Submission Policy: All submissions will be featured in pre-Show publications based on the order in which they were received on a first-come, first-served basis. In the event that the publications department receives more submissions than it can accommodate, the unpublished items will be placed on a waiting list and then included when and if additional space becomes available.