
Free Promotion for SEMA Show Exhibitors

A great way to generate buzz for your new products and services is by submitting press releases to SEMA's pre-Show publications. Exhibitors can take advantage of this free promotion by simply sending their latest announcements to Building excitement and exposure for new-product launches, project-vehicle premieres and special events held in conjunction with the 2011 SEMA Show can have a massive impact on an exhibitor's overall SEMA Show success.

One of the pre-Show publications is actually SEMA's weekly electronic newsletter—SEMA eNews. Though it's published year-round, in the months leading up to the Show, it's the go-to source for updates on all things SEMA Show related. In addition to the articles written by SEMA Show staff, SEMA eNews features a weekly list of companies offering products for SEMA Show project-vehicle builders. Any exhibitor may add their name to the list, along with a description of the product being offered and appropriate contact information. Here's a look at this week's list. If you want to be included in next week's update, simply send an e-mail to

Each year, exhibitors offer special incentives for buyers who visit their booth. Prize drawings, SEMA Show-only discounts and other specials are ideal ways to increase traffic to your booth and should also be promoted through SEMA eNews. If your company has a Show-related promotion, simply e-mail a brief description of the offer, along with corresponding contact information, including e-mail, website and your company's 2011 SEMA Show booth number.

For any questions about pre-Show coverage in SEMA eNews, please contact the editor, Jason Catullo, at