
SEMA News Highlights Newest Hot Rodding Trends Heading Into 2011

The December issue of SEMA News hits the digital newsstand.
Ready for 2011? In addition to a positive attitude and a healthy list of New Year's Resolutions, make it a priority to study what the experts are predicting for the specialty-equipment market in the next 12 months. The December issue of SEMA News is a great place to start your research, beginning with a panel discussion between SEMA's council leaders concerning what's on their radar for the next year. The issue also has a special section ripped from the pages of Popular Hot Rodding, featuring a forecast on the future of hot rodding, according to 12 trendsetting builders. The cover feature, "A Few Words With Bob Moore," challenges business owners to capitalize on the newest trends by investing in the technology that brings specialty-equipment parts and customers closer together. Moore explains in his interview with SEMA News that it's all to common for specialty-equipment manufacturers not to have their data in the wrong format, which ultimately equals lost sales opportunities.

Aside from the industry forecasting and trend reporting, the December issue also features:

• Complete coverage of the NHRA Museum's Newest Exhibit—Axes and Axles
• The 2010 Year in Review from SEMA's Legislative Affairs department in Washington, D.C.
• "Getting Social on the Job Hunt," which uses social media as a tool for your next career move
• A photo-driven recap of 21 SEMA-member manufacturers exploring opportunities in China

The digital edition of the December issue of SEMA News also features video enhancements from advertisers, direct e-mail and website links to all references and is available free-of-charge until the end of the month. For more information about advertising, please contact Joe Sebergandio at Motor Media Inc., 818/248-4900 or