
Get Involved, Join the Discussion at MySEMA


  MySEMA enables users to connect and network directly with key leaders in the specialty-equipment market.

MySEMA offers users a specialized forum in which to discuss industry issues and promote business-to-business networking opportunities. No one can dispute the influence that social media venues, such as Facebook and Twitter, have on communication and relationships. Yet, by their nature, these communication vehicles are designed to allow users to build a broad-based network of contacts that focus primarily on daily personal experiences and habitual interaction. However, they do little to promote and address business challenges and opportunities.

MySEMA was created to provide SEMA members with the opportunity to participate in industry-specific discussion groups in a closed forum that encourages meaningful and important dialogue within your niche segment. You’ll also connect and network directly with key leaders who have built the specialty-equipment market without the burden of having to sift through spam and other unwanted solicitations.

SEMA groups cover the industry spectrum, from automotive restoration to young executives, from professional restylers to the wheel and tire segment, and are only open to the current council and committee members of each respective segment. These groups allow users to interact with industry leaders, post announcements, locate resources, download related research and white papers and participate in worthwhile discussions—all in a secure environment. If you want to talk shop, MySEMA is the place.

To get connected, sign in to MySEMA, review the groups, request to join and start chatting. Your opinion matters!

Get involved, join the discussion.