Global Update

China Cracks Down on Fake Goods

The Chinese State Council has launched a six-month campaign to enforce laws against counterfeited and pirated goods at the production and distribution levels. The special intellectual property rights (IPR) campaign is focusing on product areas subject to high levels of infringement, such as music and video products, mobile phones and auto parts. The crackdown is scheduled to last until March 2011 and will target commodities such as pirated publications, DVDs and computer software, along with violations of trademarks and patents. The national effort will concentrate on 14 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, including Beijing, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai. For more information, check out China's Special Campaign to Combat IPR Infringement.

Protecting the intellectual property rights of members is a top SEMA priority. Visit for more information about patents, trademarks and copyrights, and links to previous SEMA articles and webinars on this subject. SEMA is also part of the Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (CACP), a business alliance with more than 700 members that works with government, industry, the media and consumers to combat counterfeiting. For more information, contact Stuart Gosswein.