Host a Student, Help the Industry

  Exhibitors are encouraged to offer to host students in their booths and work with them to greet potential buyers, re-stock catalogs, handout marketing materials and learn more about their products and services.
With growing concerns about the next generation's perception of cars, SEMA has a tangible way the industry can extend a hand to college students attending the SEMA Show. "We feel it's critical to help students and companies in the aftermarket connect at the industry's leading trade show," said Jamie Eriksen, SEMA's education director. "Now more than ever, the industry needs to proactively engage the next generation and let them know 'We have a place for you here.' Many years ago we developed the SEMA Show Student Program for this express purpose."

One way the industry can connect with the 250 students attending the 2010 SEMA Show is to "host" a student at the Show. You may offer to host them in your booth and work with them to greet potential buyers, re-stock catalogs, handout marketing materials and learn more about your products and services. If you're in marketing or public relations, perhaps a student could spend a half-day at the Show observing how you interact with current and potential customers. If you are in the media, they can shadow you and understand how to approach and cover potential stories. The possibilities are endless. We have students anxious to learn. We need industry volunteers willing to provide opportunities.

If you are interested in helping, complete this form by Friday, October 8, 2010.