
More Than 110,000 Direct Mailers Delivered to Eight Buyer Segments on August 31

Buyer-targeted mailer
SEMA's direct-mail campaign to eight specific buyer segments is only one component of a comprehensive print, online and telephone effort attracting buyers to the 2010 SEMA Show.

Hot off the presses and now in the hands of more than 110,000 qualified buyer prospects is the second in a series of three targeted direct mailers, this one with customized content designed for nine distinct buyer groups.

“We created nine versions of the four-panel direct-mail piece, each with unique product and vehicle photos, unique SEMA Show education and event call outs as well as unique copy that speaks to each of the different buyer segments,” said Dan Hobgood, SEMA senior marketing director.

Marketing targeted installers, retailers, jobbers and distributors of paint and body, mobile electronics, racing and performance, truck and off-road products and accessories and tire, wheel, powersports and utility vehicles, and car dealers.

A ninth "general" version of the mailer was also created for, and targeted to, buyers who sell or are interested in products and accessories from two or more of the segments.

This direct-mail campaign is just one small portion of the comprehensive buyer marketing campaign that includes print and online ads in 115 titles, a 15,000-lead phone outreach effort with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, targeted e-mails beginning as soon as registration was opened on April 5, SEMA News and eNews articles, public relations communications and social media campaigns on MySEMA, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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