
SEMA Show Daily Planner: Hit the Showfloor With a Game Plan

  SEMA's "My Show Planner" enables buyers and exhibitors to create a day-by-day calendar listing of the seminars and meetings they plan to attend at the Show.

To make the most out of your time at the 2010 SEMA Show, registered SEMA Show attendees and exhibitors can use “My Show Planner” to create and save a personalized itinerary for the Show.

“My Show Planner” enables you to prepare for your SEMA Show experience by creating a day-by-day calendar listing of the seminars and special events you plan to attend, mapping out the exhibitors you need to meet and adding any meetings or activities you have planned during the week. In addition, you can save your itinerary and come back at any time to add, delete or modify the information.

For additional details, visit