
Congress Pursues Legislation to Outline a National Manufacturing Strategy

The U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the “National Manufacturing Strategy Act” (H.R. 4692), which would make manufacturing a top priority for Congress and the administration. This SEMA-supported legislation is intended to promote government policies to foster economic growth, increase employment and productivity, and expand exports for the nation’s manufacturing sector. The legislation would establish a public-private advisory board to make policy recommendations to the president on how to achieve short- and long-term goals and report its findings to Congress.

The board would include representatives from various federal agencies, two state governors, private sector members with experience in managing companies, supply chain providers and labor organizations. Topics for consideration would include competitiveness, stability, sustainability, trade balance and job creation in a global economy. The board would be challenged to outline specific action items to achieve its goals and recommendations. SEMA is encouraged that the legislation is now set for a vote in the House later this summer or fall.

For more information, contact Dan Sadowski at