
Distributors and Manufacturers Post March Gains; Retailers Less So

  SEMA Financial Benchmarking
  April was a good month for manufacturers, distributors and retailers, with all three segments reporting improved sales compared to April 2009. Distributors enjoyed the best turn in fortunes from March, posting a 16% sales increase.


More than half of distributors queried for the recent SEMA Financial Benchmarking Report indicated that sales increased year-to-date through March, compared to the same period in 2009, and more than half were optimistic the trend would continue through the following three months.

They were right; distributors saw a 16% leap in sales compared to the month before. Manufacturers posted a slight gain, and retailers also rebounded from a March slump with a 7% gain.

Still, all three industry groups—manufacturers, distributors and retailers—said that poor sales was the most important problem facing their businesses today.

The SEMA Financial Benchmarking Report benchmarks key sales performance indicators against industry averages. Three separate reports represent manufacturers, WDs and retailers, with the latest March and April 2010 editions now available to industry members. Reports feature sales projections, quick ratio, inventory turns, sales per employee, research and development, factory overhead, selling and administrative expense and more.

Participants of the Financial Benchmarking Program receive the reports immediately. They are made available to industry members a month later for a cost of $99.99 for non-members, $50 for SEMA members. Click here to download copies of the March and April Financial Benchmarking reports.