Wade Kawasaki, president of Exports International, longtime SEMA member and former member of the SEMA Board of Directors, will explore the correlation between selling in the Chinese market and intellectual property violations. Kawasaki will join IPR guru Merritt R. Blakeslee of the Blakeslee Law Firm on July 8, to help SEMA members learn about best practices in protecting their intellectual property assets.
The webinar is designed especially for SEMA members preparing to head to China in September for the SEMA CIAPE China Business Development Conference in Beijing to explore the sales potential for their products in the world's fastest-growing market, although other SEMA members would benefit from participating as well.
Come away from the one-hour session with a checklist of IPR protections that companies should take as they consider entering foreign markets, including the Chinese market.
Participate live or download the webinar when it's convenient. Register at www.SEMA.org/events/webinars.