As most spirited drivers who keep an eye peeled for patrol cars can
attest, the Dodge Charger has charmed its way into law enforcement
fleets nationwide during the last couple of years. The Detroit News
cites Chrysler figures as showing the Charger accounting for 18%
of sales to police departments, an increase from 14% in 2007.
And although Ford still has more than 70% of the law enforcement market with its venerable Crown Victoria Police Interceptor (soon to be succeeded by a Taurus police package), and General Motors looks to regain its share with a re-introduced rear-drive Chevrolet Caprice for 2011, Dodge won’t cede its hard-won market share easily, as evidenced by these testing shots from Brenda Priddy’s spy network. Chrysler still remembers when its Plymouth Grand Fury was an unwelcome sight for automotive transgressors back in the ’60s. Priddy says the 2011 Charger, referred to internally as "LD," will ride on an updated version of the "LX" chassis and be powered by a base-model 3.6L V6, a 360hp 5.7L Hemi V8 or the meatiest of the group, a 6.4L Hemi V8. |

Photos copyright Brenda Priddy & Company. Reuse or reproduction without copyright holder's consent is prohibited.