Exhibitors must submit a rendering or digital photo of their sign showing all graphics, where it will hang above the booth and the sign's dimensions. |
Hanging signs is a great way to attract attention to your booth from a distance, but start planning now to save money and ensure no issues onsite.
First, exhibitors must submit a rendering or digital photo of their sign showing all graphics, where it will hang above the booth and the sign's dimensions. This is to ensure there are no display regulations issues. Click here to complete the hanging sign design notification, which is due by September 10.
Second, Freeman must hang all signs from the ceiling in the Las Vegas Convention Center. To receive the Freeman discounted rate, the overhead sign must be sent in a separate container directly to the advance warehouse by October 22 using the hanging sign shipping label.
Click on the following links to access the Freeman hanging sign labor form and the hanging sign shipping label.
Important rules to note:
• Hanging signs are not permitted over linear booths, with the exception of perimeter linear exhibits. Hanging signs above perimeter linear exhibits may not be higher than 12 feet from the ground, must be flat and set back 5 feet from the aisle in front of the exhibit. All other linear exhibits (non-perimeter linear booths) are not permitted hanging signs.
• Hanging signs above all other booths (peninsulas, split-islands and islands) may be hung at any height; however, the sign itself can be no more than 8 feet in height from top to bottom and must be finished on all sides. Signs, lettering or graphics facing a neighboring exhibit must be located at least 10 feet from the neighboring exhibit.
If you need assistance, please contact Show management at 702/450-7662, ext. 120.