
SCRS Announces Drawing for Hotel Suite During 2010 SEMA Show

  Paint, Body & Equipment at SEMA Show
  The Society of Collision Repair Specialists' Repairer Driven Education series will help industry professionals to find growth opportunities for their businesses.

The Paint, Body & Equipment section of the 2010 SEMA Show continues to grow, as exhibitors and attendees from the collision-repair industry register for the event. In addition to the array of exhibits, the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) is showcasing the collision industry’s presence with the Repairer Driven Education (RDE) series, featuring industry experts who will help collision-repair professionals find growth opportunities for their businesses.

With both the SEMA Show and RDE already generating strong interest, SCRS has announced another incentive for early registration. Everyone who registers for the RDE series prior to August 31 will be entered into a drawing to win a complimentary hotel suite at the Las Vegas Hilton, the SCRS headquarters hotel, during the week of the SEMA Show.

The winner of the lodging giveaway will be contacted in September and an announcement will be made to the industry.

“[RDE] provides a unique opportunity to interact with repairers and share helpful information to assist in improving and growing their business," said Kristen Felder, instructor of “Social Networking 101” and founder of Collision Hub. "In addition, there will be a wealth of related industries that will allow me to explore and expand my own knowledge base."

John Webb, instructor of “Why Quirky Customers Are Your Most Valuable Resources” and senior vice president of marketing for CSi Complete, agrees.

“The SEMA Show is a fantastic, product-driven event. It’s great that they are showing increased interest in the PBE section because, with that, I believe they will get an increased focus on the service side of business, which is increasingly important in tighter economic and competitive environments.”

Attending the SEMA Show and the SCRS educational offerings is about more than just getting out of your shop for a few days to explore the industry’s offerings in Las Vegas; it is really about survival and learning to prosper in the marketplace.

"In these tough economic times, shop owners need to know as much as they can about capturing each job and diversifying their business to create more work," adds Patrick McGuire, instructor of “Steering: Legal and Practical Approaches to the Problem” and general counsel for Gator Customs.

To register for the SEMA Show and SCRS’ RDE Series prior to August 31, 2010, and be entered into the drawing for the hotel suite giveaway, or to get more information about the events, visit or contact SCRS at