Business Tools

2010 SEMA Business Technology Symposium to Help Companies Grow Business Online

  BTS 2010
  The Business Technology Symposium is a premier business development forum devoted to effective digital and social media marketing strategies.

Automotive specialty-equipment industry leaders and digital technology experts will convene for a day-long conference composed of panel discussions and keynote speakers, covering topics focused on the newest trends and strategies for conducting business in the digital age at the SEMA Business Technology Symposium, July 23, 2010, at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, California, from 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

“Technology has revolutionized how business is conducted, and our member companies are having to change the way they operate,” said Tom Myroniak, SEMA vice president of marketing and member services. “This conference will help participants understand and address the potential opportunities and challenges associated with doing business with new media.”

Developed by the SEMA Street Performance Council (SPC), the event has become a premier business development forum that gives participants a competitive advantage through insight on, and implementation of, effective digital and social media strategies.

Addressing the most current challenges and tools, attendees will leave with an understanding of the business opportunities that exist with new media. They will also learn about proven strategies and best practices from experts in the fields of digital marketing, social media, business development and eCommerce.

The sessions will include everything from market research in the digital age and reaching customers on forums/blogs to social media for your business and getting people to read your e-mail. Other tracks include:

• Mobile Devices, the Future of Marketing
• Grab Market Share with SEM and PPC
• Converting Leads to Sales with CRM
• Good Data = More Sales

Early-bird registration costs are available until July 9, 2010. Early-bird registration costs are:

• SPC Members: $99, includes entrance to the 2010 Business Technology Symposium and lunch
• SEMA Members: $149, includes entrance to the 2010 Business Technology Symposium, lunch and a one-year Street Performance Council (SPC) membership (up to $100 value.) After the first BTS registration, additional company employees may register for the discounted fee of $99.
• Non-Members: $199, includes entrance to the 2010 Business Technology Symposium and lunch

Parking is available in, and adjacent to, the Convention Center for $9. For more information and to register for SEMA’s SPC Business Technology Symposium, visit