Top Exhibitors Cite Value and ROI as Main Reasons to Exhibit at the SEMA Show

The SEMA Show is a can't-miss opportunity to reach more than 50,000 buyers and experience thousands of new products and hundreds of feature vehicles.

With exhibitor sign-ups running nearly 20% ahead of levels from the same time last year, and with more than 100 first-time exhibitors committed to attending the Show this year, it appears the industry is banking on the value equation that is the SEMA Show.

The exposure, value proposition and return on investment realized by SEMA exhibitors is not only reflected in the number of sign ups, but in the opinions expressed by participants. Check out the following testimonials from SEMA Show exhibitors:

“We felt the need to get back into the SEMA Show because a) sales have increased. We are up a good margin this year compared to last, and b) You can’t afford to be away from the SEMA Show for more than a year. You need the exposure that SEMA provides to remain viable in the industry.”
- Matt Snow, Snow Performance

"With the introduction of SLP's all-new 2010 Full-Line Catalog, featuring a significant number of new products for the new Camaro, Mustang and Challenger, displaying in this year's SEMA Show makes a lot of sense for SLP."
- Kevin Woodruff, SLP Performance Parts Inc.

“Our first SEMA Show was in 1983 in a 10'x10' booth we built in our hotel room the day before. All we had were a few products, and it must have worked because, hey, we're still here! We're looking forward to exhibiting in our 3,300-sq.-ft. booth, promoting our brand and image to more than 100,000 influencers. The SEMA Show is not only about selling products, but also about the mass-market exposure and priceless intangibles that come with exhibiting. Every person we see at the Show will go back home and tell 10 more. You can't afford not to be here!"
- Debby Feeney, Spectre Performance

“Our recent experience at SEMA’s Powersports & Utilities Vehicles exhibit was outstanding. We experienced a large volume of traffic, gained a number of new accounts and took orders at the Show that more than offset the “price of admission.' We will definitely be participating in the 2010 SEMA Show.”
- Rick Haffner, Interparts Industries

The 2010 SEMA Show—which takes place Tuesday—Friday, November 2—5, 2010, in Las Vegas—is a can't-miss opportunity to reach more than 50,000 buyers. At the 2009 SEMA Show, 87% of buyers made or influenced buying decisions within their businesses, and 73% said that they purchased more products from SEMA Show exhibitors than from non-exhibiting companies.

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