Global Update

Chinese Buyers Matched With U.S. Manufacturers in One-On-One Meetings

SEMA has developed a list of 1,500 buyers and distributors in China from which the best matches will meet with U.S. manufacturers participating in the new SEMA CIAPE China Development Conference, taking place September 23–26.

The low-cost event, taking place in downtown Beijing, China, will provide each SEMA manufacturer member with meetings with up to 12 pre-vetted buyers and distributors. Participants will have a chance for regular input to help shape the program and the buyers with whom they are matched.

Each of these potential customers have started receiving a new monthly newsletter in China highlighting the upcoming program featuring participating SEMA members. Other topics covered include the laws and regulations governing the sale and use of specialty products in China and the best ways these buyers can connect with SEMA Members.

Read more about the SEMA CIAPE China Business Development Conference.

For additional information, contact Linda Spencer at