
Four-Color Advertising on a Black-and-White Budget in SEMA News

  SEMA News March 2010
  Now you can take advantage of full-color advertising for the price of black-&-white in SEMA News magazine.

SEMA News is taking its classified advertising program to the next level by offering four-color classified advertising priced at the standard 2010 rate for black-and-white ads. It's just the latest in one of several enhanced discounts, programs and services made available to SEMA members over the last year and applies to the Manufacturers' Representative Roster, Service Center and Marketplace sections in SEMA News.

Current and future advertisers can now take advantage of SEMA News’ print circulation of more than 18,000 specifically targeted print readers and as many as 150,000 qualified members of the industry through the monthly digital version (complementing the enhanced four-color option in the digital edition is a direct link to your company’s website, making it the perfect avenue for SEMA members to highlight the products and services they offer).

Also new for 2010: the opportunity to showcase your products and services within our popular weekly electronic newsletter. Limited online advertising programs are currently available beginning with the March 11 edition (Volume 13/Issue 10) of SEMA eNews. Begin expanding your brand messaging this week!

To place your classified order now, or to inquire about opportunities in eNews, contact Motor Media Inc. at or 818/248-4449.

For more information about SEMA News classified advertising, contact David Block at or 909/396-0289, ext. 172.

Visit the SEMA News homepage to download the 2010 rate card.