
Consumer Demand Index: Consumers Target Midsize and Compacts Most for Modifying

The February version of SEMA’s Consumer Demand Index is now available at The index this month rose to 35, up four points from January 2010. Overall, 9% of respondents indicated that they have plans to purchase specialty-equipment products sometime in the next three months.

February SEMA Consumer Demand Index

On average, midsize cars were the most common target vehicles for modification, followed by compact cars. The demand for racing and performance products rose month over month, while the demand for specialty accessories/ appearance products dropped. The index is up three points over its level in November of last year.

The SEMA Consumer Demand Index for Performance Products and Accessories (formerly PADI), is released each month. It measures the purchase intentions of consumers (both enthusiast and mainstream) over the previous 90 days. As enthusiasts represent approximately 10%–15% of U.S. drivers, the Index is likely to be an indicator of mainstream consumer demand for automotive specialty and performance products.

Source: SEMA Market Research