
eBay Motors SEMA Show Panel Addresses Role of Internet in Accessory Sales

 Vice-President of eBay Motors Rob Chesney leads a panel of experts on the Internet's impact on vehicle and accessories sales.

The Internet is known for shaping industries by providing transparency in content, inventory and eventually pricing. Several industries have seen this cycle mature over the past 10 years. The new-car industry was the first to see this cycle of transparency play out in its space and emerge with a new set of assets to compete.

Rob Chesney, vice president of eBay Motors, will lead a panel of experts to explore the future state of the industry, as influenced by the Internet on Monday, November 2, 8:00-9:00 a.m. in Ballroom C of the Las Vegas Hilton.

Sub-topics will include: the role of content; pricing transparency; video; the evolution and role of aggregators; the co-mingling of services and parts; the role of catalog provider content and application data; and shifts in search behavior.

In “The Role of the Internet in Shaping Parts and Accessories Sales in 2009 and Beyond,” Chesney will draw from his personal experience leading the world’s largest automotive site through these decisions at eBay with its vehicles and parts business over the past eight years.

Chesney has seen the evolution of the vehicles business as impacted by the current macroeconomic climate, along with the major changes occurring in the automotive industry.

The panel will have a range of experts also including Jad Dunning, CEO of DriverSide; Michelle Morris, Director of North America Automotive Sales for Google; Bryan Murphy, CEO of WHI Solutions, Inc.; Famous Rhodes, Director of Parts and Accessories for eBay Motors; Glenn Rogers, CEO of CarDomain; Steve Sigg, eBusiness Manager for ACDelco.

For more information on the program, visit