
Chevrolet Camaro Market—Mini Report Introduction

Camaro at 2008 SEMA Show
Around 40 Camaros converged on the Las Vegas Convention Center for the 2008 SEMA Show. This early example prepares for check-in.

Camaro Registrations by State
For a performance vehicle, Camaros are a high-volume model with three-quarters of a million units currently registered.

Chevrolet Camaro Registrations
The fourth-gen Camaro isn't the most prized, but certainly the most numerous. The 2010 model is too new to have reliable data.

Top 25 Products Purchased by Camaro Enthusiasts
Getting air in and out of the engine tops the Camaro enthusiast's priorities. Air filters, exhaust systems and headers top the list.

Camaro Enthusiasts Top 21 First Mods
The first modifications purchased by most Camaro owners fall along the same lines as the most popular overall.

SEMA recently profiled the marketplace for the Chevrolet Corvette enthusiast base. The information was well-received by the community and became featured in outside publications. As part of a new program, SEMA Market Research has initiated a newer concept for reporting consumer-based industry data: mini-reports.

These smaller projects allow the research team to address topics not traditionally covered. Some are entirely new, others are simply more specific than the normal scope of topics.

As requested by SEMA members, one of the next mini-reports will cover the Chevrolet Camaro and its related information. While it is a second General Motors model, it is being featured because of the suggestions received.

Members of the community are always encouraged to suggest topics they would like studied and can contact the staff through the dedicated website.

The Camaro has been one of the leading enthusiast vehicles since its introduction as a 1967 model. It has always offered affordable performance and distinct styling, two attributes popular with consumers looking for a standout ride.

Some of the attention is certainly attributed to the historic rivalry with the Ford Mustang, which has inspired owners to battle for high-performance supremacy.

Experian Automotive has an immense registration library and SEMA has been given access to the featured data elements to extract Camaro information from the database. The chart at right outlines the distribution of Camaros throughout the United States and, much like most vehicles, the hot spots for the highest number of vehicles are isolated in California, Texas and Florida.

These states are the most populated with vehicles and consequently have a higher probability of volume for individual models. Other states like Ohio, Georgia, Michigan and Illinois have large numbers of Camaros in their total vehicle pool and serve as great opportunities for specialty-equipment manufacturers and retailers catering to the pony car.

More than three-quarters of a million Camaros are on the books with current registrations. Many more have been produced since 1967, but the survival rates for older performance-focused models have reduced the frequency considerably.

Nevertheless, those units that remain from the earlier generations have weathered the storm and are more likely collector vehicles or valued possessions. The most common generation, vehicles from 1993 to 2002, outnumber the others considerably due to their recency.

With the Camaro being purpose-built for performance, it should come as no surprise that the top modifications purchased overall and purchased first by enthusiasts serve to increase this attribute. SEMA market research has collected data from self-described Camaro enthusiasts about their hobby and the modifications made to their Camaros.

Nine out of the top ten most sought after upgrades are undeniably performance related with air intake modifications (64% and 55.6%), exhaust components (61.8% and 59%), tires (56.7%), and even performance lubricants (55.1%) ranking high on the list.

Similarly, the first products consumers seek for their vehicles fall along the performance vein with intakes and exhausts taking the top spots. Custom wheels are purchased by over 45% of those surveyed and are also one of the primary go-to items sought.

A complete overview of the Camaro market is to come, but this serves as a quick snapshot. — SEMA Research and Information Center