
SEMA Benchmarking Program: May Update

 Markets Sold To 1st Quarter 2009
 Source: SEMA Benchmarking Program. The tabulation is based on a total of 2,042 responses. More than one response was possible so the table does not equal 100%.
  Markets Sold To 1st Quarter 2009
  Markets Sold to 1st Quarter 2009
  Markets Sold to 1st Quarter 2009

SEMA's Benchmarking Program is a tool designed to aid SEMA members in a comparative analysis of their business against similar competitors. The following tables are a part of the most recent update and represent responses of participants to the question: What markets does your company serve?

The data is tabulated from the January, February and March 2009 benchmarking questionnaires for all three channels: manufacturers, WDs and retailers. Data is analyzed and presented for all three channels combined and for each channel separately.

All Channels
The combined data from all three channels shows the majority of the industry is selling to the truck and SUV segment; 56.7% reported they sell to this segment. Street high performance and general automotive repair were the next highest, but still significantly less than the trucks and SUV market. Motorcycle outlets, dealers and collision repair centers were the least common outlets sold to.

Manufacturers are the most heavily involved in selling to the truck and SUV market; 65.6% reported they are selling to that segment. This was much higher than the percentage of retailers and distributors where 51.6% of retailers and the same amount of distributors reported selling to the truck and SUV segment.

There is a significant drop-off after truck and SUV in the other segments manufacturers are selling to. Street high performance was the second largest market segment with 33.9%, followed closely by off road with 32.4%.

Truck and SUV was also the top segment for retailers with 51.6% selling to that market. However there was less of a drop-off in other market segments they sold to when compared to the manufacturer and distributor data. For example, a high percentage of retailers sell exterior accessories (41.8%), wheels and tires (41.7%) and street high performance products (39.7%). The data shows retailers are much more diversified in the market segments they serve than manufacturers and distributors.

The truck and SUV segment also topped the list of segments sold to by distributors with 51.6% selling to that market. As with the other outlets, there was a large drop off in the second highest market segment; general automotive repair (36.9%).

It is worth noting that general automotive repair was higher for distributors than traditional specialty-equipment markets, such as exterior accessories. This may reflect current consumer focus on general automotive repairs and distributors reacting to fill that need as well as appeal to a broad range of customers.

Other, Please Specify
Within each market channel benchmarking participants could also identify other markets they sold to under the "Other, please specify" option. There market identity varied significantly, and the counts were very low for each response. Here are a few of the other markets specified: heavy truck, reconditioning, fleet, batteries, industrial and RV dealer.

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